eCredable Business Lift

Get credit for all the payments you already make

Link an unlimited amount of eligible business accounts*
Report to multiple business credit bureaus simultaneously
Impact business credit scores in as little as a week

$19.95 per month

Sign Up Now
Small Business Offers
Important Information:

*eCredable has strict requirements for collecting and reporting payment information on your behalf. Some Utility Companies and Service Providers are excluded since they do not meet our security, data quality, or reporting requirements. eCredable does not link to all U.S. Utility Companies or Service Providers at this time.
†Due to factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that all of your payments will be accepted by Equifax, even though these same accounts may meet eCredable’s data quality and reporting requirements.
‡Results will vary between credit bureaus and their associated credit scores. Some businesses may not see improved credit scores or approval chances. Not all lenders use Equifax business credit reports and business credit scores impacted by eCredable.

eCredable Reports To

Dun and Bradstreet Logo
Equifax Logo
Experian Logo

Link Your Business Accounts to eCredable

Secure end-to-end encryption to protect your account information.

How It Works Image

eCredable Connects to over 2000 Utility Companies and Service Providers

  • Link an unlimited number of accounts from the following eligible account types: power, water, gas, mobile phone, cable TV, satellite TV, internet, and landline phone.

  • eCredable can securely download your account information and up to 24 months payments directly from your online account on the utility company or service provider’s website.

Automatic and On-demand Reporting

eCredable reports to multiple business credit bureaus simultaneously.

How It Works Image

Report Payments Automatically

eCredable can report your business power, water, gas, mobile phone, cable TV, satellite TV, internet, and landline phone accounts to Equifax automatically. Learn More

Report Payments On-demand

eCredable can also report almost any type of account that cannot be linked or office rent, business insurance, legal services, business services, office furniture and equipment leases to Equifax  – On-demand. Learn More

The Fastest Way to Impact Your Business Credit Scores

New business credit scores take effect immediately after your business credit files are updated.

D&B Paydex Image with score increase
Equifax Image with score increase
Experian Image with score increase
Creditsafe Image with score increase

Building your business credit can take months, even years. You may be able to improve your business credit scores in as little as a week with eCredable. Learn More

Laptop and Smartphone image

Real impact – real buying power.

Better Business Credit Scores may lead to better financial terms on business credit cards or loans from Banks, Credit Card Issuers and Lenders.

Start building your business credit today!

Let's Get Started

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Third Party offers appearing on are presented without warranty or guarantee for quality, service, savings, earnings, or terms and/or conditions; and do not represent all offers or companies that may be available to you. It is important for you to review and understand the offer(s) you select, as you are solely responsible for evaluating the terms and conditions, validity, and potential savings of any offer. assumes no responsibility for products supplied by, services rendered by, or arrangements made with, any third party., LLC., cannot guarantee your approval with any credit offer based upon the information contained in your AMP Credit Report®; or your success in obtaining any third party offer., LLC., strongly supports transparency on all areas of our website. may be compensated for your purchase of products or services offered on our website that are not created, owned, licensed, or otherwise materially controlled by, LLC.