eCredable Business Lift Pricing

Business credit is invaluable.

We can help.

With eCredable, build business credit by reporting your business utility and telecom payments to credit bureaus that maintain your business credit reports and scores.

Business Lift


Business Lift+

Small Business Categories

eCredable Reports to**:

Dun and Bradstreet Logo
Equifax Logo
Experian Logo

* Dun & Bradstreet and Experian accept only the eCredable Business Subscription payment at this time.

** Equifax accepts only accounts verified to be in the business name. Personal accounts will not be reported to Equifax.

eCredable Features

Account Linking 1

Link up to unlimited eligible business accounts types 2 - Electricity, Water, Gas, certain Mobile Phones, Cable TV, Satellite TV, Internet and Landline. Requires online account access to the service provider’s website.

Automatically Download Payment History

We’ll attempt to download the maximum amount of payment history your service provider makes available online – up to 24 months. The number of months varies by service provider. 

Automatic Monthly Payment Reporting 3

We automatically report your monthly business phone, internet and utility payments to business credit bureaus.  Only your eCredable Business Subscription is reported to D&B and Experian at this time.

On-Demand Account Verification

Certain accounts that have been successfully linked on eCredable are verified and reported to Equifax and Creditsafe automatically - this is included in your eCredable Business subscription.

For accounts that are unable to be linked, the On-Demand Account Verification process authorizes eCredable to verify accounts over the phone manually and report up to 24 months of payment history to Equifax and Creditsafe. You may request an On-Demand Account Verification at any time at the cost of $24.95 per account on-demand; the account will be reported one time per request.

Accounts that require an On-Demand Account Verification are typically:

  1. Business utility accounts you're unable to link
  2. Vendors
  3. Suppliers
  4. Office Rent/Virtual Office
  5. Business Insurance
  6. Business Services
  7. Business Credit Cards and Loans (that are not already being reported)
  8. Equipment/Office Furniture Leases
  9. Legal Services

Start building your business credit today!

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1Account Linking
eCredable reserves the right to determine which utility company accounts are eligible for linking with your eCredable credit file we compile and maintain. Certain accounts may not meet reporting requirements and not all accounts may be linkable. Only those accounts that are eligible to be linked can be maintained as Linked Accounts. Eligible utility company account types typically include certain Mobile Phones, Cable TV, Satellite TV, Internet Services, Landline Phone, Electricity, Water and Gas accounts for which you are the responsible party for payment. “Bundles” are treated differently by different providers. If the bundle contains multiple services (e.g. cable/satellite, internet or landline combined on one bill), and each service has a separate account number, we will treat each account number as a separate account in your credit file. If your utility company treats all the services in your bundle as one account with one account number used for payment, then you will only have one account for the bundle in your eCredable credit file.

2Account Types
eCredable is not able to link to all U.S. Utility and Telecom Companies at this time. We are continuously adding new Companies, so check back periodically and see if your Utility Company is available.

3Automatic Monthly Payment Reporting
Ongoing automatic monthly updating of Linked Accounts requires that you have online access to your utility company, and that you opt-in to share your user ID and password with eCredable to create the link between your utility company’s online accounts and your eCredable profile. If your service provider does not have online access, or you do not have an online account setup with your utility company, eCredable cannot link your account and automatically update your monthly payment history. Only your eCredable Business Subscription is reported to D&B and Experian at this time.