eCredable Business Blog

eCredable Business Blog


Learn how to build business credit and access more business financing.

Yes, you can get a business card with bad personal credit. It’s not easy, but we’ll give you some strategies for doing it and building credit.

Your business credit can affect your personal credit when you miss payments or default on commercial accounts, especially if you sign a personal guarantee.

Your personal credit doesn’t affect your business credit directly, but it can often affect it indirectly. Find out how the relationship works.

Net 30 accounts are vendor tradelines open to new business owners that grant 30 days of interest-free financing and build business credit.

Learn how personal credit impacts business credit, and find vendors that don’t require a personal credit check.

Climbing up the four business credit tiers in order helps you avoid taking on personal liability for your company’s debts. Find out how those tiers work.

An overview of the top six tier 4 business credit vendors, along with eligibility requirements, business credit bureau reporting information, and more.

The biggest selling points of this vendor are that they report to three business credit bureaus and boast an impressive list of services. In terms of a downside, they do have a $99 annual account fee.

Learn everything you need to know about a Wayfair Net 30 account, including which business credit bureaus they report to, the products they offer, and more.

Although a Walmart Net 30 account is no longer available, there are several alternatives, some of which can help you build business credit. Get our top four picks.