eCredable Business Blog

eCredable Business Blog


Learn how to build business credit and access more business financing.

Nick Gallo
Nick Gallo

Nick Gallo is a Certified Public Accountant and content marketer for the financial industry. He has been an auditor of international companies and a tax strategist for real estate investors. He now writes articles on personal and corporate credit, accounting and tax matters, and entrepreneurship.

The Quill net 30 account is a good vendor tradeline for those looking to establish their business credit. It reports to two major credit bureaus.

The Ohana Office Products net 30 account only reports to Equifax Business, but it doesn’t charge any fees.

Your personal credit doesn’t affect your business credit directly, but it can often affect it indirectly. Find out how the relationship works.

It’s often harder to build business credit with bad personal credit, but it’s not impossible. Learn some of the most effective ways to get around the issue.

The Lowes net 30 account reports to D&B, Experian Business, and the SBFE, making it a good option for those looking to build credit. Here’s what you should know.

The HD Supply net 30 account is a good vendor tradeline for new business owners. It reports to Dun & Bradstreet and charges no membership or application fees.

The Home Depot net 30 account is ideal for established businesses. It reports to all major credit bureaus and charges no application or recurring fees.

You can buy a house with business credit, but it’s better for real estate investing than for purchasing your personal residence. Here’s what you need to know.

Business credit card payments from Bank of America, Citi, and US Bank never show up in your personal credit report. Capital One and Discover do.

Find out how to get an 80 PAYDEX Score, which shows vendors and lenders that your business makes payments on the due date, on average.